inspiring collaborative action for conservation solutions

Author: Nicole Reese

What do you do, when there’s no facilitator in the room?

Have you ever been in that “awkward” situation when a group comes together but no one is the designated facilitator?

What do you do when no one takes the lead?

I think we’ve all had that moment when everyone stares at each other uncomfortably, unsure of what to say or how to begin. We end up wasting precious minutes of the short time we have together, and sometimes never achieve the purpose of the gathering.

Don’t be afraid to step up! We are all in this together, and most people in your group will appreciate your help leading the group discussion.

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Resource: Message Box

I’ve had the pleasure of listening in on a couple of COMPASS presentations of their Message Box, a tool they created to help researchers communicate their science effectively. I think it’s a great resource to start developing a message or story about conservation issues.

They provide a free workbook that walks you through how to use their tool.

COMPASS supports scientists to effectively share their knowledge in the public discourse and decision-making. They provide training, coaching, more tools and resources, as well as opportunities to connect.

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Fort Collins Nonprofit Networking Group


In May I collaborated with Sarah Scobey, the Fort Collins Nonprofit Resources Librarian with the Poudre River Public Library, to create a pilot program that supports nonprofit organizations. After attending several nonprofit networking meetings in Denver, and small business meetings in Fort Collins, I realized that there was no such collaborative space for the many nonprofits in Northern Colorado. We created this pilot program to provide a support group that allows the people working with local nonprofits to talk together, network, and give each other a leg up. Continue reading

Sustain, Songscapes, and Seedskadee

Last summer I visited Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge to find the controversial sage grouse. We arrived about a month before the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) was due to decide whether to put the greater sage grouse on the Endangered Species List. I traveled with my husband and the co-founders of Sustain Music and Nature. Betsy has been one of my best friends since the first week I moved to Colorado nine years ago, and I’m on the board of her nonprofit Sustain.

DSC_0847Sustain at Seedskadee

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A night on the prairie

0406161934North of Fort Collins, Colorado.

One evening in early April I stood outside Nix Farm, headquarters for the Fort Collins Natural Areas Department. I met Mathew, the crew leader for this night’s adventure, as well as Jessie and Alethea who joined us as volunteers. Both students were pursuing minors in Conservation Biology at Colorado State University. We had all gathered for one purpose – to search for the elusive black-footed ferrets at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area. Continue reading

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